Siphonoperla torrentium

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Siphonoperla torrentium
Subclass : Flying insects (Pterygota)
Superordinate : New winged wing (Neoptera)
Order : Stoneflies (Plecoptera)
Family : Chloroperlidae
Genre : Siphonoperla
Type : Siphonoperla torrentium
Scientific name
Siphonoperla torrentium
( Pictet , 1841)

Siphonoperla torrentium is aspecies of stonefly .

Characteristics of the larvae

The body is up to 9 millimeters long and has clear bristles throughout. It is yellowish to light brown in color. There are darker spots on the head and pronotum . The pronotum is transversely oval and has long bristles. The wing sheaths are short, their side edge is convex. Tracheal gills are not present. There are strong bristle edges on the femur and tibia . The first and second segments of the tarsi are the same length. The third tarsal link is three times as long as the first and second combined.

Way of life

The larvae of the species are found in streams and small rivers. They are believed to have a predatory diet. The generation period is one year.


The distribution area includes Europe excluding Scandinavia.

supporting documents

  • Herbert W. Ludwig: Animals and plants of our waters . BLV Verlagsgesellschaft, Munich 2003, ISBN 3-405-16487-7 .