Sisara (oratorio)

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Chiesa di San Lazzaro dei Mendicanti , Venice

Sisara is the title of an oratorio , composed by the Bavarian Johann Simon Mayr and premiered in Venice in 1793 in the church of San Lazzaro dei Mendicanti . The libretto in Latin is by Giuseppe Foppa .

The plot is taken from the Old Testament , Ri 4,4-24  EU , and consists of two parts. The central figure is Sisara , the general of the army of the King of Canaan , who rules the Israelites.


  • Anja Morgenstern: Johann Simon Mayr. Promoter and disseminator of German music in Italy in the first half of the 19th century. The work and life of Johann Simon Mayr as reflected in the times . Contributions to the International Musicological Johann Simon Mayr Symposium December 1st to 3rd, 1995 in Ingolstadt. Katzbichler music publisher, Munich-Salzburg 1998; Pp. 298-307

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