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Sisu [ ˈsisu ] is a Finnish term that supposedly denotes a mental property that is only peculiar to the Finns . The word is considered untranslatable, but can be translated as “strength”, “perseverance” or “perseverance”, also “intransigence” or “fighting spirit”, especially in apparently hopeless situations. As a cultural concept, Sisu gives Finland a high degree of identity.

Etymologically, sisu is related to the stem sisä ("inner"). In the case of the Bible translator Mikael Agricola , the first Finnish-speaking writer, sisu expresses the innermost part of the human being, i.e. his character. Originally the word had a negative connotation, as is clear in the Finnish dictionary ( Suomen Sana-Kirja , 1826) by the linguist Gustaf Renvall : Renvall translates sisu with “content”, but also mentions the connotation “temperament, esp. Bad, malice, hatred ". Later the word meaning developed from "mercilessness, ruthlessness" to "courage, daring" and finally "tenacity, perseverance".

At the beginning of the 20th century, Sisu began to be understood as a specifically Finnish mental trait, and the concept developed into a national myth. The meaning of the term for the Finnish self-image becomes clear in the much-quoted triad “ Sisu, Sauna , Sibelius ”. In particular, the term Sisu is often used in connection with Finnish history , especially during the winter war , but also in sports, especially at international ice hockey matches. As a national concept, Sisu can be compared to the Romanian Dor or the Portuguese Saudade .

Because of its cultural meaning, the word Sisu is often and often used to give names. There is a manufacturer of heavy trucks , a tank made by the arms company Patria, a brand of pastilles and an icebreaker called Sisu. More than two thousand Finnish men use the first name “Sisu”.

Individual evidence

  1. In the Latin original: “ indoles mentis max. mala, pravitas, iracundia ”. Quoted from Knuuttila (Lit.).
  2. Väestörekisterikeskus: Etunimitilasto In: Väestörekisterikeskus , July 17, 2017 (Finnish).


  • Seppo Knuuttila: Sisu . In: Olli Alho (ed.): Kulturlexikon Finland (see 282 ff.). Finnish Literary Society, Helsinki 1998. ISBN 951-717-032-5