Skirmantas Pabedinskas

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Skirmantas Pabedinskas (2015)

Skirmantas Pabedinskas (born March 15, 1945 in Suvainiškis , Rokiškis District , Lithuanian SSR ) is a Lithuanian journalist, cinema operator, former politician and former member of the Lithuanian Parliament Seimas .


After graduating from secondary school in Jūžintai in 1962, he studied at the Vilnius Polytechnic from 1962 to 1964 , and served in the Soviet Army from 1964 to 1966. He then completed a degree in photo technology at the Polytechnic. From 1972 he was the correspondent of Valstybinio Lietuvos radijo ir televizijos komitetas , from 2004 to 2008 he was a member of the Seimas.


  1. 2008 m. Lietuvos Respublikos Seimo rinkimai - Lietuvos valstiečių liaudininkų sąjunga - Iškelti kandidatai. Archived from the original on October 4, 2013 ; Retrieved June 28, 2018 (Lithuanian).