Slovenian Championships in biathlon 2010

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The Slovenian Biathlon Championships took place on January 3, 2010 in Pokljuka for women and men in a mass start competition.


space starter society time Shooting error
1 Teja Gregorin ŠD Nika Ihan
2 Tadeja Brankovič-Likozar TSK Merkur Kranj +1: 24 3
3 Dijana Grudiček-Ravnikar TSK Jub Dob Prii Ljubljani 0

Date: January 3, 2010


space starter society time Shooting error
1 Klemen Bauer SK Ihan 3
2 Janez Marič SK Bled +22 4th
3 Vasja Rupnik TSK Valkarton Logatec 7th

Date: January 3, 2010

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