Smicromyrme ingauna

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Smicromyrme ingauna
Class : Insects (Insecta)
Order : Hymenoptera (Hymenoptera)
Superfamily : Vespoidea
Family : Ant wasps (Mutillidae)
Genre : Smicromyrme
Type : Smicromyrme ingauna
Scientific name
Smicromyrme ingauna
Invrea , 1958

Smicromyrme ingauna is a hymenoptera fromthe ant family wasps (Mutillidae). Itis still unclearwhether the species reallybelongs tothe genus Smicromyrme .


The wasps have a body length of 6 to 9 millimeters (females) or 7 to 9 millimeters (males). In females, the upper half of the head and the abdomen are black, the base of the mandibles , the frontal plate ( clypeus ), the antennae , the thorax and, in some individuals, the first tergite and the legs are colored red. The vertex, the entire third tergite and the first four sternites are lightly hairy. The central, broadened band at the end edge of the second tergite and three round spots on the front of this tergite, of which the middle spot is more hairy, are also hairy. The front plate has a central longitudinal ridge. The propodeum is arched at the top. The second tergite is as long as it is wide. In the male, the head, tegulae , ventral side of the thorax, abdomen, and legs are black. The thorax is colored red dorsally and laterally. The forehead, the end bands of the first and second tergites and the entire third and fourth tergites are lightly haired. Such hairs are also found on the second tergite on the sides and on the legs. The third part of the antennae is only about half as long as it is wide, the remaining parts are one and a half to twice as long as it is wide.

Occurrence and way of life

The species has been found in southern France, Italy, the Aosta Valley and Romania. It is not known which species parasitize the larvae .

supporting documents

F. Amiet: Fauna Helvetica 23: Vespoidea 1 . Center Suisse de Cartographie de la Faune, 2008, ISBN 978-2-88414-035-5 .