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Smision ( ancient Greek Σμισιών or Ζμισιών ) is a month of the calendar of magnesia on the meander .

Little is known about the month, neither its position in the year nor the months before or after it are known. The inscribed sources from magnesia also do not allow any indexing. The month was also assigned to other calendars of the Ionic calendar group from incompletely preserved inscriptions , but the assignments are not considered certain. For the calendars of Chios and Erythrai , […] ισιών was added accordingly and for the foundation of the Magnesian city of Antioch in Pisidia , an inscription made of magnesia suggests that the month was also in use there. For the western Greek calendar , the form Sminthios from Rhodes is known, which can also be located in the year. However, due to the different structure of the Ionic and Western Greek calendar groups, it cannot be compared with the magnesian Smision.

The name is traced back to the festival Sminthia , which was celebrated mainly in the Troas and the islands off the coast of Asia Minor in honor of Apollon Smintheus .



  1. Otto Kern : The inscriptions of Magnesia on the Maeander . W. Spemann, Berlin 1900. See the index on p. 217 ( digitized version ).
  2. ^ Fritz Graf : North Ionian Cults. Religious historical and epigraphic studies on the cults of Chios, Erythrai, Klazomenai and Phokaia . Schwabe, Basel 1985, ISBN 978-3-7965-1579-8 , p. 20.
  3. Otto Kern: The inscriptions of Magnesia on the Maeander . W. Spemann, Berlin 1900. p. 65, no. 81 .
  4. ^ Catherine Trümpy : Investigations on the ancient Greek month names and month sequences . C. Winter, Heidelberg 1997, ISBN 3-8253-0516-3 , p. 110f.