Calendar of magnesia on the meander

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The calendar of Magnesia am Meander is a Greek calendar from the Ionian calendar group that was in use in the city of Magnesia am Meander in Asia Minor .

The names of the months have been handed down in full through various inscriptions, but the beginning of the magnesian year and the exact sequence of the months are unknown. Ernst Bischoff tried for the first time to restore the magnesian calendar, although some placements cannot be justified. The months of Anthesterion and Posideon , which are considered to be all ionic, as they are known in a large number of different Ionic calendars and can be compared with the months of the Attic calendar , the reference calendar for Ionic monthly sequences, are indisputable. The same applies to the widely attested Lenaion . The Artemision is also well documented, but was in use in various places as the spring month, so that it cannot be clearly assigned. The month of Hagneion is equated in a Milesian inscription with the pyanopsion of the calendar of Miletus , in another inscription the Heraion and the Kronion follow one another directly, with the Kronion appearing as the month of sowing. Because of the abundant sources, Attica is the only region of ancient Greece that can be given as the sowing month of pyanopsion. However, in its place in the calendar of Magnesia is the Hagneion, which is why it is assumed that the Kronion must be directly in front of the Hagneion. The position of the other months in the year is unclear. The leukathion , which also appears in the calendar of Chios , is possibly the same as the hecatombaion .

The best known Ionic calendar, the Attic calendar, serves as a reference calendar for locating the months of the year. The Attic Hekatombaion roughly corresponds to the month of July in the Julian calendar . Only the months that can be safely or possibly offset are entered. For the months Smision ( Σμισιών ), Genesion ( Γενεσιών ), Kureon ( Κουρεών ) and Palleion ( Παλλειών ) there are no indications of their position in the year.

Calendar of magnesia on the meander Attic calendar
Leukathion ? ( Λευκαθιών ) Hekatombaion
Heraion ( Ἡραιών ) Metageitnion
Kronion ( Κρονιών ) Boëdromion
Hagneion ( Ἁγνηιών ) Pyanopsion
? Maimacterion
Posideon ( Ποσιδεών ) Poseideon
Lenaion ( Ληναιών ) Gamelion
Anthesterion ( Ἀνθεστηριών ) Anthesterion
Artemision ? ( Ἀρτεμισιών ) Elaphebolion
Artemision? Munichion
? Thargelion
? Skirophorion



  1. Otto Kern : The inscriptions of Magnesia on the Maeander . W. Spemann, Berlin 1900. See the index on p. 217 ( digitized version ).
  2. Ernst Bischoff : Calendar. In: Paulys Realencyclopadie der classischen Antiquity Science (RE). Volume X, 2, Stuttgart 1919, Sp. 1568-1602 (here Sp. 1586).
  3. Otto Kern: The inscriptions of Magnesia on the Maeander . W. Spemann, Berlin 1900, pp. 82–84 ( digitized version )
  4. ^ Catherine Trümpy: Investigations on the ancient Greek month names and month sequences . C. Winter, Heidelberg 1997, p. 110.