Società Italiana di Storia Militare

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The Società Italiana di Storia Militare (SISM) ( Italian Society for Military History ) is a scientific association founded by Raimondo Luraghi , its first president. The Society was founded in Rome on December 14, 1984 and aims to promote military history studies through:

  • the organization and participation in congresses, seminars and other events of a cultural or scientific nature;
  • the publication (also in or as periodicals) of studies, notes and information brochures;
  • the support of scientific research, also together with institutes, associations and private individuals;
  • the allocation of scholarships and financial support to undergraduate and graduate students;
  • the realization or the patronage of other initiatives of military historical importance, also at the suggestion of outsiders.


The SISM is recognized by the Italian Ministry of Defense ( Ministero della Difesa ) and works with the following institutions:

  • Commissione Italiana di Storia Militare - CISM (Italian Commission for Military History), established by ministerial decree of November 21, 1986;
  • Inter - University Center for Military History Research ( Centro Interuniversitario di Studi e Ricerche Storico-militari - CISRSM), established by decision of the Universities of Turin , Padua and Pisa , of April 15, 1986;
  • Association of Friends of the Italian Military Library, founded in Varallo Sesia on September 20, 2008.

In Italy, SISM distributes the “Bibliographie internationale d'histoire militaire” (international bibliography of military history in French), published by the Comité de bibliographie of the Commission internationale d'histoire militaire (CIHM). SISM collaborated with CISM in the organization of the eighteenth and nineteenth international congresses of the Commission Internationale d'Histoire Militaire (CIHM), which took place in Turin in 1992 and 2013.

Honorary President

  • Raimondo Luraghi (1992)
  • Mariano Gabriele (2010)


General Secretaries

  • Michele Nones (1985–1990)
  • Giuseppe Conti (1991–1997)
  • Piero Crociani (1997)
  • Ciro Paoletti (1997-2004)
  • Flavio Carbone (2004)
  • Nicola Pignato (2004-2008)
  • Annamaria Isastia (2009 - still in office 2013)



  • L'enseignement de l'histoire militaire en Italie ( L'insegnamento della storia militare in Italia ), Actes du séminaire tenu à Rome le 4 décembre 1987, Rome, Compagnia dei Librai, 1989.
  • L'Esercito italiano, storia di uomini e di armi , Roma, Editalia, 1988.
  • Storia militare d'Italia 1796-1975 , Roma, Editalia, 1990.
  • 1812. Италянски в русской кампании. Gli italiani nella campagna di Russia del 1812 . Atti del Convegno Cassino - Roma ottobre 2012, a cura di Tatiana Polo

In collaboration with CISRM

  • L'historiographie militaire italienne au cours des vingt dernières années ( La storiografia militare italiana negli ultimi venti anni ), Dir. Rochat e Piero Del Negro, Milano, Angeli, 1985.
  • Bibliograpie italienne d'histoire et d'études militaires 1960–1984 ( Bibliografia italiana di storia e studi militari 1960–1984 ), Dir. Giorgio Rochat, Piero Del Negro et Filippo Frassati, Milano, F. Angeli, 1987.
  • Guide d'histoire militaire italienne ( Guida alla storia militare italiana ), Dir. Piero Del Negro, Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, Napoli, 1997.
  • Répertoire 2005 des chercheurs italiens en histoire militaire ( Repertorio degli studiosi italiani di storia militare 2005 ), Dir. Luca Balestra et Nicola Labanca, Milano, Edizioni UNICOPLI, 2005.

In cooperation with the Ministry of Culture

  • Les sources de l'histoire militaire italienne à l'époque actuelle. Actes du 3ème séminaire, Rome 1-17 décembre 1988 "( Le fonti per la storia militare italiana in età contemporanea. ), (Dir. Alberto Maria Arpino , Antonello Folco Maria Biagini et Franco Grispo), Ministero per i beni culturali e ambientali - Ufficio centrale peri beni archivistici, Roma, 1993.

In cooperation with CISM

  • Actes du IIème Congrès national d'histoire militaire , organisé à Rome au Collège des Hautes Etudes de Défense (CASD) les 28-30 octobre 1999, CISM, Roma, 2001.

Periodicals (online)

  • 1993 , Roma, GEI Gruppo Editoriale Internazionale, 1994. [1] da Scribd
  • 1994 , Roma, GEI Gruppo Editoriale Internazionale, 1995. [2]
  • 1995 , Roma, GEI Gruppo Editoriale Internazionale, 1997. [3] (PDF; 19.9 MB)
  • 1996–1997 - Identité nationale-Forces Armées (Identità nazionale-Forze Armate). Actes du 4ème Congrès de la SISM à Caserte (Dir. Fortunato Minniti), Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, Napoli, 2001 .. [4] (PDF; 13.4 MB)
  • 1999 (Dir. Fortunato Minniti), Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, Napoli, 2001 .. [5] (PDF; 21.5 MB)
  • 2000 - L'historiographie militaire en France et en Italie. Comparaison de two experiences. ( La storiografia militare in Francia e in Italia. Due esperienze a confronto. ), (Dir. Fortunato Minniti), Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, Napoli, 2001. [6] (PDF; 15.3 MB)
  • 2001–2002 - Militaires italiens en Afrique ( Militari italiani in Africa ), (Dir. Nicola Labanca), Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, Napoli, 2004.
  • 2004–2005 - Tsushima 1905 - Jutland 1916. Actes du séminaire 2005 de la SISM consacré à l'histoire navale (Dir. Marco Gemignani). [7] (PDF; 1.9 MB)
  • 2006 - Histoire de la guerre future (Storia della guerra futura). Actes du 1er congrès de Varallo de la SISM (Dir. Giovanni Cerino Badone). [8] (PDF; 1.6 MB)
  • 2007-08 - Histoire de la guerre économique ( Storia della guerra economica ). Actes du 2ème congrès de Varallo de la SISM (Dir. Catia Eliana Gentilucci). [9] (PDF; 2.9 MB)
  • 2009 - La guerre de Cinquante neuf (La guerra del cinquantanove) . Actes du Congrès national CISM-SISM consacré à la 2ème guerre d'indépendance italienne ' [10] (PDF; 6.5 MB)
  • 2010 - L'Année de Teano (L'anno di Teano). Actes du Congrès consacré à l'histoire politico-militaire de 1860, tenu au Collège des hautes Etudes de Défense (Palazzo Salviati) of November 2009 [11] (PDF; 3.9 MB)
  • 2011 - Les armes de Saint-Marc ( Le Armi di San Marco ). Actes du colloque consacré à l'histoire militaire de la Sérénissime, Venise-Padoue, September 2011 [12] (PDF; 3.9 MB)
  • 2012–2013 - Héritage américain. La SISM évoque la mémoire de Raimondo Luraghi . ( American legacy. La SISM ricorda Raimondo Luraghi ) [13] .


  • Filippo Stefani: Une décennie d'activité de la Société Italienne d'Hisoire Militaire ( Un decennio di attività della Società di Storia militare ), in: Quaderno 1994 , Gruppo Editoriale Internazionale, Roma 1995, pp. 159–164.

Individual evidence

  1. In the network archived copy ( Memento of the original from October 2, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (PDF; 42.1 MB) @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /

Web links