Software & Support Media

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Software & Support Media GmbH
legal form GmbH
founding 1995
Seat Frankfurt am Main , Germany
management Masoud Kamali ( Managing Director ), Pouya Kamali (Managing Director)
Number of employees 69
Branch media

Software & Support Media GmbH ( S&S Media ) is an international media company founded in 1995 with headquarters in Frankfurt am Main . In addition to the headquarters, the company has offices in Berlin , Potsdam and London .

The company's information and service offering is aimed at IT professionals. The portfolio includes conferences, training courses, specialist magazines, online services and books.

S&S Media's conference offering includes events such as the International PHP Conference, the Basta! Conference and the MobileTech Conference.

Print media

  • Java magazine
  • Windows Developer
  • PHP magazine
  • developer magazine
  • Business Technology
  • Mobile Technology Magazine
  • Eclipse magazine
  • SharePoint magazine

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Overview of software and support media , accessed on May 21, 2016.
  2. Franziska Mozart: The end of the app store , advertising & selling . March 29, 2011, accessed March 8, 2013.