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The Sonatorrek ("Sons-Loss") is a lament that the Icelandic skald Egill Skallagrímsson wrote around 960 out of mourning the loss of his sons. The song is inserted into the prose text of chapter 81 of the Egils saga Skallagrímssonar . The lament comprises 25 stanzas in the meter of Kviðuháttr .


  • Finnur Jónsson: Egils saga Skallagrímssonar. In addition to Egil's greater poems. Max Niemeyer Verlag, Halle / S. 1924. ( Old Norse Saga Library 3) Digitized at Internet Archive
  • Rolf Heller (Hrsg./Übers.): The saga of Egil. The saga of the people on Eyr. The saga of the people from the Laxar Valley. (= Icelandic Sagas. Vol. 1). Insel-Verlag, Leipzig 1982, pp. 41–305.
  • Kurt Schier (Ed / Translator): Egils Saga. The saga of Egil Skalla-Grimsson. Diederichs, Düsseldorf 1978, ISBN 3-424-00521-5 (complete revision. Diederichs, Munich 1996, ISBN 3-424-01262-9 ).
Research literature