Sonja Porle

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Sonja Porle

Sonja Porle (* 1960 in Prebold , Yugoslavia ) is a Slovenian author who lives in Oxford (England).

In 1983 she came to Africa for the first time. Since her thesis on the Ashanti children in Ghana in 1989, she has been studying African cultures.

From 1988 to 1990 she lived in Ghana.

Her book "Črni angel, varuh moj" ("Black Angel, My Guardian"), published in 1997, deals with the situation in Burkina Faso , became a bestseller in Slovenia and translated into Croatian (Anđele čuvaru crni, Zagreb 1999). The title is an allusion to the invocation of the Guardian Angel : "Sveti angel, varuh moj" ("Holy Angel, my guardian").

The documentary "Črni angel, varuh njen - portret Sonje Porle" (Black Angel, Her Guardian - a portrait of Sonja Porle, directed by Ana Nuša Dragan ) was shown at the third International Documentary Festival in Oxford in October 2005.

In her volume of essays “Barva sladke čokolade” (“The color of sweet chocolate”) she published various articles on the situation in West Africa .


  • Črni angel, varuh moj . Ljubljana: Cankarjeva založba, 1997
  • Barva sladke čokolade . Ljubljana: (Študentska organizacija univerze) Študentska založba, 1998

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Mention of the saying on a Catholic, Slovene-speaking page with prayers and sayings