Sunny country

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The sunshine state land just SSL , is a satire and education project on the scene of the Reich Citizenship and self-managers . The sun state land was put into operation in 2012; it is the successor of older forums on this topic. The reason for the establishment was the proclamation of the Republic of Free Germany by Peter Frühwald .

The project consists of a Facebook page, a blog , a Twitter account, a YouTube channel, a forum , its own wiki and an educational book that can be downloaded free of charge. These components are filled with different contents by the operators:

  • The Facebook page, the YouTube channel and the Twitter account are mainly used for satirical commentary on the scene.
  • The wiki, like the Enlightenment book, compiles and refutes typical conspiracy theories of the scene; various actors in the scene are also portrayed.
  • The forum is used by the portal's community to research and discuss people and the content of the scene.

The information gathered by Sonnenstaatland on the Reich Citizens' Movement is cited as a source in publications by the Federal German Office for the Protection of the Constitution .

The operators want to remain anonymous.

Info brochure

The 400-page brochure “Forward to the Past - Looking Through Some Imperial Ideological Fog Walls” by Gerhard Schumacher can be downloaded from the portal, which refutes the errors of the Reich Citizens Movement based on the Basic Law and other legal sources.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Secret chat cracked: This is how a meeting of Reich citizens and right-wing extremists works. In: , October 21, 2016
  2. These new findings about citizens of the Reich in NRW are shocking. In: , August 4, 2017
  3. ^ Reich ideologues: "Republic Free Germany" still active. In: Störungsmelder , December 4, 2014
  4. First municipality changes from the Federal Republic to the Kingdom of Germany - Fast. In: Vice , July 31, 2015
  5. Dirk Wilking : "Reich Citizens" A Handbook . Ed .: Brandenburg Institute for Community Advice "Reich Citizens". 1st edition. Brandenburg 2015, ISBN 978-3-00-048341-7 , pp. 29, 93, 126 ( online [PDF]).
  6. Nationalism: "Reich Citizens" - How online activists help the authorities. In: Berliner Morgenpost , October 21, 2016
  7. ^ Gerhard Schumacher: Forward into the past. In: