Sortie (music)

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A sortie ( French "sortie" "exit") is the name of a musical performance piece for the organ , which is usually played on the main organ at the end of a mass in France by the artistically highest-ranking organist ( titular organist ), which sometimes only was little involved in the worship service. The piece thus forms the opposite pole to the Entrée ( French for "entrance"), which is played at the beginning. The character of these pieces are mostly festive, and they are usually played with a plenary registration , which can also appear pompous.

These pieces are most common in French Romanticism. Well-known composers of this genre include Louis Lefébure-Wély , Charles Tournemire and Marcel Dupré .

Individual evidence

  1. Sortie . In: The Big Brockhaus. Brockhaus, Wiesbaden 1957, vol. 11, p. 26.
  2. Preface to the Sorties scrapbook . Butz, Bonn 2015.