Soswa (disambiguation)

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Soswa is the name or part of the name of several rivers and other geographical objects named after them in the eastern Ural foothills or western Siberia in Russia:

  • of the left source river of the Tawda, see Soswa
    • the headwaters of the Soswa, Big Soswa (Russian Bolschaja Soswa) and Little Soswa (Malaja Soswa)
  • of a left tributary of the Ob, in Russian Severnaya Soswa, see Northern Soswa
    • the headwaters of the Northern Soswa, Big Soswa (Bolshaya Soswa) and Little Soswa (Malaja Soswa)
    • a right tributary of the Northern Soswa, in Russian Malaja Soswa, see Kleine Soswa
  • of a Sapowednik (nature reserve) in the catchment area of ​​the Little Soswa (tributary of the Northern Soswa), see Malaja Soswa (Sapowednik)

Also bear the name: