South Beach Diet

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The South Beach Diet was developed by the American cardiologist Arthur Agatston. It consists of six meals a day consisting of breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner and dessert. Meals should be large enough to be filling. The diet is divided into three phases.

Phase one

In the first phase, the consumption of carbohydrates is completely restricted in order to reduce the cravings for sweets, baked goods and starchy products. That is why bread , rice , pasta , potatoes , baked goods , sweets , sugar , as well as fruits and vegetables with a high sugar content (e.g. corn , carrots ) must be avoided. However, vegetables such as broccoli , cauliflower , spinach and asparagus and fish should be consumed sufficiently. Phase one lasts 14 days.

Phase two

In the second phase, carbohydrates with a low glycemic index are included in the diet plan, such as whole grains, vegetables and almost all fruits. There is also no white bread , pasta, rice, potatoes, corn, fruits and juices with a high sugar content. Phase two lasts until you have reached your desired weight.

Phase three

When you have reached your desired weight, phase three begins, because almost all carbohydrates can be consumed until you gain weight again. There is no time limit. The South Beach Diet thus provides for a sustainable change in diet. In addition, Dr. Agatston did light exercise every day, but the South Beach Diet does not focus on exercise.


  • You do not need calories to count.
  • The diet focuses on healthy carbohydrates and unsaturated fats.
  • You have a large selection of recipes.


  • In phase one, you consume too little fiber and vital substances (vitamins). It is therefore necessary to supplement this diet with various types of vegetables, legumes and herbs (salads). Furthermore, the claim of Dr. Agatston, in the first phase, a weight reduction of 4 to 6 kilograms is already possible, to take a differentiated view, since diets based on the "low carb" principle in particular induce people to excrete more water inclusions.
  • Phase two can take a long time. Care must therefore be taken not to let the diet become monotonous through the greatest possible variety.
  • In general, too little attention is paid to sport and exercise in the entire diet plan.
  • The diet is not intended for vegetarians and vegans. The fat and protein requirement may have to be covered by a suitable diet of legumes (beans), soy, mushrooms, nuts, etc.
  • Franz Floss, Head of Investigations at the Austrian Association for Consumer Information, commented on these and other “low-carb” diets as follows: “ It is irresponsible which nutritional sins are spread under the guise of science. "


  1. New diets from the USA are not recommended. In: medical information. January 20, 2005, accessed July 17, 2010 .

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