Socialist education campaign

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The Socialist Education Campaign ( Chinese社會主義 教育 運動 / 社会主义 教育 运动; pinyin : Shèhuìzhǔyì Jiàoyù Yùndòng) was a political campaign launched in 1963 by Mao Zedong in the People's Republic of China . Mao tried to remove " reactionary elements " and "revisionists" from within the Chinese Communist Party .

Goals and consequences

The goal of the movement was to purify politics, economics, organization and ideology (the "four cleanups (四 清)"). During the movement, intellectuals and officials were sent to the countryside to be re-educated by peasants. They still attended school, but also worked in factories and with farmers.

The socialist education movement lasted until around 1965 and is considered the forerunner of the cultural revolution . According to Chinese researchers, the Socialist Education Campaign resulted in at least 77,560 deaths, with 5,327,350 people persecuted. In the movement, the relationship between Mao Zedong and Liu Shaoqi , the 2nd President of China, deteriorated .

See also

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Daniel Leese, Mareike Ohlberg, Hans van Ess: history, cultural tradition, ideology | bpb. Retrieved July 16, 2020 .
  2. a b Anton Pam: How Mao Zedong's Socialism Failed. (PDF) Retrieved July 16, 2020 .
  3. ^ Opinion on the socialist educational movement. Retrieved July 16, 2020 .
  4. a b NOTES. In: Renmin Wang . Retrieved July 16, 2020 .
  5. Song Yongyi (宋永毅): 被 掩藏 的 历史 : 刘少奇 对 “文革” 的 独特 贡献. In: Modern China Studies. Retrieved July 16, 2020 (Chinese).
  6. ^ A b Roderick MacFarquhar: The Socialist Education Movement . Oxford University Press, ISBN 978-0-19-167008-4 , doi : 10.1093 / acprof: oso / 9780192149978.001.0001 / acprof-9780192149978-chapter-16 ( [accessed July 16, 2020]).
  7. Xie Chengnian (谢 承 年): 我 亲历 的 “四 清” 运动 那些 事. In: Chinese University of Hong Kong . Retrieved July 16, 2020 .
  8. People's Republic of China: III. In: University of Maryland . Retrieved July 16, 2020 .
  9. a b 预演 文革 “四 清” 运动 中 的 毛 、 刘 矛盾. In: Phoenix New Media (凤凰网). Retrieved July 16, 2020 (Chinese).
  10. Song Yongyi (宋永毅): 被 掩藏 的 历史 : 刘少奇 对 “文革” 的 独特 贡献. In: Modern China Studies. Retrieved July 16, 2020 .
  11. Yang Jishen (杨继 绳): 天地 翻覆: 中国 文化大革命 历史 . 天地 图书, July 4, 2017 ( [accessed July 16, 2020]).
  12. Su Weimin (苏维民): 杨尚昆 谈 “四 清” 运动 : 毛泽东 刘少奇 之间 的 裂痕 由此 产生. In: The Paper (澎湃 新闻). July 23, 2015, accessed July 16, 2020 (Chinese).