Savers allowance

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Saver tax allowance was a term from the German income tax law . For the years 1975 to 2008, the saver tax credit was the amount up to which the income from capital assets was tax-free. With the introduction of the final withholding tax on January 1, 2009, the saver allowance was replaced by the saver lump sum .


Development of the saver allowance / saver lump sum
Period Allowance per person Flat
rate for advertising expenses
until 1974 - 150 DM (77 €) only advertising expenses
1975-1989 300 DM (153 €) 100 DM (51 €) Basic savings promotion
1990-1992 600 DM (307 €) 100 DM (51 €)
1993-1999 6,000 DM (3,068 €) 100 DM (51 €)
2000-2001 3,000 DM (1,534 €) 100 DM (51 €)
2002-2003 1,550 € € 51
2004-2006 € 1,370 € 51
2007-2008 750 € € 51
since 2009 € 801 Saver lump sum

The saver allowance was introduced in 1975 under the name basic savings promotion . In the following years its height was changed significantly several times. In 1993 it was increased tenfold, then halved several times. Up until December 31, 2006, the saver tax exemption was € 1,370 for single people and € 2,842 for married people. It was then reduced to € 750 and € 1,500 respectively.

In 2009 it was combined with the flat rate for income- related expenses and has since been referred to as the saver flat rate.


Quote from an older version of § 20 EStG:

"In determining the investment income after deducting is related expenses , an amount deducted from 750 euros (saver's allowance). Spouses who are assessed together are granted a joint saver tax exemption of 1,500 euros. Half of the joint saver exemption is to be deducted from each spouse when determining the income; If the investment income of one spouse, reduced by the income-related expenses, is lower than 750 euros, the pro rata saver exemption is to be deducted from the other spouse to the extent that it exceeds the investment income of this spouse, which is reduced by the income-related expenses. "


In addition to the savings allowance, the lump sum for income from capital assets (e.g. interest ) had to be taken into account. After deducting the lump sum for income- related expenses and the saver allowance, the income from capital assets resulted as a tax base .

example 1
Einnahmen aus Kapitalvermögen                   4.000 Euro
./. Werbungskostenpauschale                        51 Euro
./. Sparer-Freibetrag                             750 Euro
= Steuerbemessungsgrundlage                     3.199 Euro
= Einkünfte aus Kapitalvermögen

The saver tax exemption was not allowed to be higher than the investment income reduced by the income from income, including a deductible foreign tax, § 20 Paragraph 4 Sentence 4 EStG.

Example 2
Einnahmen aus Kapitalvermögen                    551 Euro
./. Werbungskostenpauschale                       51 Euro
./. Sparer-Freibetrag                            500 Euro
= Steuerbemessungsgrundlage                        0 Euro
= Einkünfte aus Kapitalvermögen

The capital gains tax (interest tax) was levied on all interest income that was above the saver allowance . Most recently, the tax rate was 30% for balances on accounts and 35% for interest income from securities from over the counter transactions. There was also a solidarity surcharge of 5.5%. With interest income of EUR 1,000, EUR 300 withholding tax and EUR 16.50 solidarity surcharge had to be paid. With effect from January 1, 2009, the withholding tax and the capital gains tax were replaced by the withholding tax . Since then, a uniform tax rate of 25% plus solidarity surcharge and, if applicable, church tax has applied to all investment income .

At the z. B. in September 2008 at least 4.25% interest on the savings assets of a call money account exceeded the saver tax exemption at around 18,850 €. In 2006 tax-free savings at this rate would have been around € 33,500. At the then interest rate of 3.25%, it was around € 43,500.

Exemption order

The exemption could already be used by issuing an exemption order to the financial institution at which the interest accrues .

Information in the income tax return

Income from capital assets is taxable ( Section 20 EStG).

Since the tax office took into account the tax exempt amount and the lump sum for income-related expenses ex officio, all capital income had to be reported.

The banks' deduction of capital gains tax had no final effect until December 31, 2008. The tax office treated the capital gains tax as an advance payment when the tax certificate was presented .

See also

Individual references and sources

  1. Handwortbuch der Wirtschaftswwissenschaft (HdWW) , Volume 3, 1981, page 185, accessed on April 14, 2014