Spasm tape

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In early jazz, the Spasm Band was a small musical ensemble, often made up of adolescents, whose instruments consisted primarily of everyday objects or very simple musical instruments: pots, washboards and vats for percussion, kazoos as melodic instruments and jugs ( jugs ) for singing a bass part. Jelly Roll Morton used this name. The first band to appear under this name is the Stale Bread's Spasm Band , known in New Orleans since 1895 , which later also appeared as the Razzy Dazzy Spasm Band .

In the 1950s, the term was also used to denote music groups that played a mix of Dixieland , traditional jazz , jugband and skiffle music. The Nihilist Spasm Band , a Canadian noise band, gave itself its name in allusion to this .


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Daniel Hardie Exploring Early Jazz: The Origins and Evolution of the New Orleans Style. Lincoln NE 2002, p. 29
  2. D. Hardie Exploring Early Jazz: The Origins and Evolution of the New Orleans Style. P. 171ff.