Archaic jazz

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Archaic jazz is a collective term in jazz research for the pre-forms of classical jazz that emerged in the last third of the 19th century, especially in the New Orleans region . H. of New Orleans Jazz , the music of Afro-American minstrel and ragtime orchestras , but also of street bands and spasm bands .

The American sociologist and pianist Ben Sidran explains early jazz as "the result of the fusion of circus and minstrel music with the tradition of the blues". For him it is “the urban form of articulation” of Afro-American culture. The German jazz researcher Alfons M. Dauer points out that European forms of music such as marching music were deformed polyrhythmically without deviating from their basic meter.



  1. B. Sidran, Black Talk, cited above. n. Martin Kunzler : Jazz Lexicon. Volume 1: A – L (= rororo-Sachbuch. Vol. 16512). 2nd Edition. Rowohlt, Reinbek bei Hamburg 2004, ISBN 3-499-16512-0 , p. 43.