Game simulation

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A game simulation , also known as a business game , is a forecasting method that maps complex business relationships in manageable game worlds and makes them “understandable”. Game simulations are mainly designed as a board game in which the interaction of the participants is in the foreground.

Test the game

If the game is a standard scenario (a decision-making situation that is independent of one's own behavior):

If the game is not a standard scenario (a decision-making situation in which several decision-makers can influence the result and pursue their own interests):

  • Appropriate combinations of standard tests
  • Decision tree algorithms
  • Laboratory experiments

What do game simulations do?

The key question in game simulation is always whether the process and content fit together.
The simulation enables strategies to be thought through, developed and improved.
It creates space for active design of the games.

New applications arise for given strategies, but new strategies are found to change the game.
Likewise, learning processes for optimizing the strategy for adapting the game to reality are created.

Game theory

Game models support the decision maker in the systematic assessment of the consequences of their own decisions or those of others.

In order to be prepared for events that might occur, the full picture must be thought in advance. Analyzing means putting yourself in the shoes of others as they are playing the game. This will allow options to be considered to identify initial strategies. The premises of problem solutions that create sustainable values ​​must be constantly questioned.

Games are a mediator because they use numbers to convey values ​​and properties.

If they are empirically sound, theoretically clean and coherent, they create added value and affect decisions. You improve management , control and understanding.

Structure of the method

  • Setting: excerpt from reality
  • Roles: Different participants from different departments or areas ( homogeneous or heterogeneous )
  • Options for action: options for action
  • Time: Significant shortening of the procedure, which would otherwise take longer in reality
  • Place: spatially and factually contracted
  • Communication : intense and direct

Military application

The military uses game simulations as part of military business games such as conflict simulations or war games .

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