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The term home care , short for " spit al ex ternal assistance and care" is, one in the Swiss-German used-speaking general term for the help and care at home. It corresponds to the term outpatient care in Germany .

In Switzerland , Spitex organizations promote, support and enable living at home with their services for people of all ages who need help, care, supervision, accompaniment and advice. The idea is that people can, to a certain extent, be supported, looked after and cared for at home in a familiar environment by trained nursing and housekeeping staff, thus promoting the independence of the person being cared for. One advantage is seen in the cost savings compared to inpatient care in a nursing home. The costs for the services are partly borne by the patient (or his health insurance company ) and partly subsidized by the public purse (usually the municipality ).

Providers are non-profit (non-profit) and private organizations.

Nonprofit (NPO) -Spitex

Logo Spitex Association Switzerland

The nonprofit Spitex works on behalf of the municipality or canton. Before caring for a person is started, there is a need for care services in accordance with the Health Insurance Act (KVG), so that the person concerned is neither undersupplied nor oversupplied. The RAI Home Care clarification instrument is used for this. Based on service contracts with the cantons and municipalities, the public sector, health, accident, disability and military insurance as well as clients contribute to the financing. The legal requirements oblige the Spitex organizations to provide effective, appropriate and economical care services. If care at home is significantly more expensive compared to inpatient care, it may be necessary to move to the home. The NPO organizations are obliged not to distribute profits, but to leave them in the organization.

The umbrella association of the non-profit Spitex Spitex Switzerland , based in Bern , was founded in 1995.

Private Spitex organizations

People in need of care can commission a private Spitex organization to take care of them, but not all services are subsidized by the public sector. Private providers include associations, foundations, limited liability companies or stock corporations. The Association Spitex privée Suisse (ASPS), founded in 2005, represents 75% of private Spitex organizations. She developed her own seal of approval.


The Spitex services form an essential part of the Swiss health and social system . According to Spitex statistics from the Federal Statistical Office, around 46,000 people in Switzerland with the equivalent of around 20,249 full-time positions cared for around 309,000 people in 2015. More than 80% of the employees and clients belong to 572 non-profit organizations (mostly non- profit associations or foundations under private law ), less than 20% to 348 commercial companies and 836 self-employed nursing professionals.

0.7% of the full-time positions are occupied by nurses with a technical college diploma, 28% have a higher vocational training (HF), a further 24% have a basic vocational training in the field of nursing and care, 1% a socio-therapeutic diploma, 7% a commercial training. 38% are interns , have attended nursing and care courses or have no specific Spitex training at all.


  • Markus Lischer: Spitex. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland .
  • Rahel Gmür, Philip Steiner: Spitex. In: Healthcare Switzerland 2015–2017. Hogrefe, Bern 2015, ISBN 978-3-456-85552-3 .
  • Robert Fluder, Sabine Hahn, Jonathan M. Bennett, Matthias Riedel, Thomas Schwarze: Outpatient care and care for the elderly. On the situation of elderly people in need of care and support at home. Seismo Verlag, Zurich 2012, ISBN 978-3-03777-125-9 .
  • Pascale Gmür: Puzzles with pineapples. Tell people from Spitex . Verlag Hier und Jetzt, Baden 2019, ISBN 978-3-03919-477-3 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ RAI Home Care Switzerland ; accessed on February 11, 2019.
  2. Use of the Spitex. Retrieved February 11, 2019.
  3. Spitex Switzerland: Our story.
  4. spitexprivee.swiss
  5. ^ Association Spitex privée Suisse ASPS (Association of private Spitex organizations)
  6. Federal Statistical Office Spitex Statistics, accessed on April 29, 2017.
  7. Rahel Gmür, Philip Steiner: Spitex . In: Willy Oggier (Ed.): Healthcare Switzerland 2015–2017 . Hogrefe, Bern 2015, ISBN 978-3-456-85552-3 , p. 413-424 .