Sports journalism

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The Sports Journalism is a sub-discipline of sports science and is in degree programs at universities , colleges or media academies offered.

Sports and media studies

A course of study requires the scientific examination of scientific methods with the subject of the course. The media studies is a social science , the sports science is indeed an interdisciplinary, but includes a variety of scientific elements. After all, the application is also about language and technology . The problem of the subject lies in this versatility and its ethical responsibility.


The main areas of study are the scientific investigation and design of modern sports communication and support in the training of modern sports communicators. In addition to basic lectures and specific seminars, practical stations are usually part of the teaching and training concept. If the (partial) subject is offered as part of a sports science degree, a practical sports entrance examination is required.

Application area

Graduates of the sports journalism degree find their job in sports-related media such as television, radio, print or in an online editorial team and are then active in the field of sports journalism . Use in the PR departments of sports companies, sports clubs or sports associations or personal support for a top athlete in the area of ​​public relations is also possible.

Individual evidence

  1. Arnd Krüger , Swantje Scharenberg (ed.): How the media prepare sport: Selected aspects of sport journalism. (= Articles and sources on sport and society. Volume 5). Tischler, Berlin 1993, ISBN 3-922654-35-5 .
  2. Michael Schaffrath: Dream job sports journalism. LIT Verlag, Münster 2007, ISBN 978-3-8258-0139-7 , p. 12.

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