Spree pirates

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Television series
Original title Spree pirates
Country of production Germany
original language German
Year (s) 1989-1990
length 25 minutes
Episodes 26th
genre Youth series
idea Hans-Jürgen Teske
production Regina Ziegler
music Susanne Pawlitzki ,
Ilonka Breitmeier
first broadcast
December 31, 1989 on ZDF

See cast list

Spreepiraten is a television series of the Second German Television (ZDF) , which was filmed from 1989 to 1990. She describes the experiences of four siblings and their family in Berlin . The first 16 episodes were broadcast on ZDF from December 1989 to April 1990, and another 10 from January to April 1991. The script was written by Hans Borgelt and directed by Hans-Henning Borgelt.


The Spree pirates are the 14-year-old twins Marie and Louise , their brother Matze and their sister Trinchen . Together they experience many adventures in Berlin. When her mother, Karin Kukowski , went to the cure for four weeks, they and their father Klaus decided to completely renovate the apartment. In the meantime, they move in with grandparents Anna and Otto Zwicknagel , who live nearby on the Marianne II houseboat . The twins have the idea of ​​celebrating a renovation party in the empty apartment, and so the work is finally done with the active support of the party guests. When Karin's return, there is a second surprise in addition to the renovated apartment: Taxi the dog is a new member of the Kukowski family.

When Grandma Zwicknagel suddenly dies, Otto isolates himself more and more from his environment. Fortunately, an old friend, Eddi the icebreaker , turns up and brings Otto's life back to life with his good mood. While working as a taxi driver, Klaus Kukowski met Madame Patard and her granddaughter Joelle from Strasbourg , who were looking in vain for a hotel in Berlin. Without further ado he accommodates her on the Marianne II. The twins make friends with Joelle, who is the same age, and Otto with her grandmother. The fall of the Wall in November brings even more visitors and a big surprise: The Spree pirates learn that they still have an older half-sister in the GDR .

Otto Zwicknagel plans together with Eddi the icebreaker, the neighbor Frau Brachvogel and her resolute daughter Renate to convert the Marianne II into a hotel ship. There are also changes for the Kukowskis: They have to look for a new place to stay because their apartment is to be converted into an expensive condominium. The new apartment is cheaper, but also smaller and on the ground floor. The crucial catch is that dogs are not allowed. Luckily, when taxi saves the caretaker's life, he changes his mind and the Spree pirates can keep their dog.

In the summer, the Kukowskis finally want to go on vacation abroad. Through the mediation of Madame Patard, they can swap their apartment with a family from Strasbourg and see their friend Joelle again.



The songs for the series were sung by Susanne Pawlitzki. The texts were written by Ilonka Breitmeier, who was also seen as Renate Brachvogel in the series, and Susanne Pawlitzki.


  • So far there have been repetitions on 3sat in 1991, on 3sat and on ZDF in 1994 and on KiKA in 1999 .
  • The series was used in Sweden for German lessons.
  • Miriam Mohs and Simon Jacombs, who play siblings on the series, are actually nieces and uncle.
  • A book and the soundtrack (on CD and LP) were available for the series.
  • On July 14, 2008, the series was released on DVD.
  • In 1990, the director Hans-Henning Borgelt introduced the role of Eddi the icebreaker , which he had written for his great cousin Peter Borgelt, who was "regained" after the fall of the Wall.


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