St. Pankratius Church (Welsleben)

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St. Pankratius Church (southeast view)

The St. Pankratius Church in Welsleben is a Protestant church building , the church tower of which stands east of the nave as an architectural feature. Welsleben is a district of the municipality of Bördeland in the Salzlandkreis in Saxony-Anhalt .



The church building is divided into the east tower and the nave with its extensions. The unplastered late Romanesque church tower is the oldest part of the church, the year of its construction is given as 1225. It has a floor plan of 9.00 × 6.15 m and was built in the lower part from dark gray-wacke rubble stone, while lighter rubble stone material from greywacke was used for the bell storey. The tower has a tiled gable roof . In the bell storey there are three sound openings on the broad sides and two on the narrow sides, which are designed as ogival biforias . The twin windows are separated by set columns with bud capitals and covered by a round arch. The clock faces of the tower clock are attached to the gable ends. On the east side of the tower there is an arched entrance gate.

Contrary to the usual church construction, the rectangular plastered nave is attached to the west side of the tower. With a width of 9.55 m, it protrudes over the tower on the south side. After the destruction in the Thirty Years' War , construction of the nave began in August 1670. It is unclear whether the ship of the previous church was already west of the tower. According to the chronicle of 1933 (see below), the new building was completed on October 14, 1671, according to the year 1676 above the south portal, there was probably further renovation work.

The nave is also closed by a gable roof. The south side is pierced with seven arched windows, the north side has three windows of the same type. There are also circular windows above all windows. The southern inlet is via a small pointed gable extension. Two other larger extensions with a hipped roof are located on the north side. There are three heavily weathered Gothic reliefs of a crucifixion group on the windowless west wall.

inner space

The interior of the nave is of a flat barrel ceiling arched. The oldest item in the inventory is the altar table , dated 1400. It originally served as a grave slab and features incised figures of a knight and two women. The altar itself is a pulpit altar , the pulpit of which was taken from the previous church, while the altar wall was made in 1722. They are adorned with two pillars and carved foliage. The font with a six-sided basin on a baluster shaft was made in 1671. In 1725 a wooden horseshoe-shaped gallery was built, the parapet fields are painted with flower garlands. In the middle of the gallery an organ was installed in the middle of the 19th century, which was equipped with a neo-Romanesque front . From the previous two bells, only one bell, which was cast in 1488, is in the tower.

The Welsleber Church was consecrated to the Roman martyr and Saint Pancratius .


  • Georg Dehio: Handbook of German Art Monuments, Saxony-Anhalt I , p. 981, Deutscher Kunstverlag, 2002, ISBN 3-422-03069-7
  • Gerhard Wunderling: Chronicle of the Bördedorfes Welsleben, Volume 1 , Missionsverlag Otto Senff Nachf., Schönebeck 1933

Web links

Commons : St. Pankratius (Welsleben)  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Coordinates: 52 ° 0 ′ 14 "  N , 11 ° 38 ′ 10.7"  E