St. George (Šiauliai)

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St. George Church Šiauliai ( Lithuanian Šiaulių Šv. Jurgio bažnyčia ) is a Roman Catholic church in neo-Byzantine style in Šiauliai , in the city center at the Šiauliai train station ( Lithuania ). Titulus eclesiae is the martyr George .


The church was built in 1909 by the administration of the Imperial Russian Army as a representative Russian Orthodox brick church for the Šiauliai garrison . Construction began in May 1907 and was dedicated to Nicholas of Myra the following year . In 1915 the army withdrew from Lithuania and the church was closed. In July 1919 the church was consecrated to Saint George by a Lithuanian Catholic priest.


  • Šiaulių Šv. Jurgio bažnyčia, 1908–2008 (Sud. Jonas Nekrašas, Vilius Puronas, Egidijus Venckus). - Radviliškis: Litera, 2008. - 336 p .: iliustr. ISBN 978-9955-410-74-4 .

Web links

Commons : Church of St. George in Šiauliai  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Coordinates: 55 ° 55 ′ 30.4 "  N , 23 ° 18 ′ 46.1"  E