State Energy Inspectorate

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The State Energy Inspectorate (SEI) of the GDR was a state institution for the control and support of the implementation of energy management tasks and energy law orders, in particular for the economical and rational use of energy. Boris Kudevita was in charge.


She focused her inspection work on:

  • increasing the effectiveness of energy conversion and energy use as well as achieving the planned savings targets, in particular the measures for applying results from science and technology,
  • the status of the development of the energy management work of the combines and management bodies,
  • the performance development of the coal and energy industry to meet the needs of the population and the economy for electrical energy, gas, thermal energy and solid fuels,
  • the fulfillment of complex energy management tasks of the local councils.


The Central Office for Rational Energy Use (ZRE) of the State Energy Inspectorate had

  • Perform tasks in the preparation, control, billing and analysis of the energy plan,
  • Prepare decisions of the Rational Use of Energy working group at the Council of Ministers on the use of energy sources,
  • Tasks and documentation on fundamental decisions for investments, for which separate energetic parts are to be worked out, tender projects and reusable project and type solutions for space heating to be assessed,
  • to examine applications for companies to be recognized for exemplary work in the energy sector.

The ZRE was the publisher of the specialist journal " Energieanendung " and extensive literature on energy technology and economics .


The energy inspection began its activity in 1971 on the basis of a GDR government decision as the central energy inspection of the Ministry for Coal and Energy based on the model of already existing energy management control bodies in the states of the Council for Mutual Economic Aid (Comecon). As one of the conclusions from the supply problems with fuels and energy in the winter of 1978/79, the energy inspection of the Central Energy Commission at the Council of Ministers of the GDR was assigned to main and 15 district inspections as the controlling body and continued its work with expanded powers in 1987 as the state energy inspection including the ZRE .

Implementation and implementation

The SEI had extensive powers to carry out energy management controls in the GDR economy as well as in central and territorial state organs. She was not allowed to inspect political parties, mass organizations or the armed organs, and private households were also exempt from controls. In order to remedy breaches of duty in the energy industry, contrary to the provisions of the GDR's Energy Ordinance and government decisions on the energy industry, it made recommendations for the elimination of technical and organizational deficiencies. In the case of serious breaches of duty, she imposed conditions with the threat of fines up to 100,000 marks. The SEI had the authority to prosecute.

As a result of her controls and the activities of the ZRE, she found extensive avoidable energy wastage and energetic losses. As a result of deficiencies in the provision of means of rationalization for the energy industry by the GDR economy, the SEI was in many cases unable to achieve any radical and lasting changes to reduce energy consumption , especially in industry. It ceased its activities with a resolution of the Modrow government on January 1, 1990.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Ordinance on the State Energy Inspectorate, Journal of the GDR 1988 Part I No. 10
  2. Kudevita, B. State control activities in the energy sector - methodology and results / International Conference on Industrial Energetics, 1984, German National Library D 86/40668
  3. Kudevita, B. Energy Inspection in the GDR. State control in the system of the national economy. Berlin 2007 (unpublished)
  4. PLANNEND ECONOMIES CONFRONTING THE CHALLENGES OF THE 1980s World Congress for Soviet and East European Studies (3rd: Washington DC 1985): Controls and sanctions in the GDR, published by the Press Syndicate of the University of Cambridge 1988