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(Frisian Pointing Dog)
FCI Standard No. 222
1.2 ' Spaniel ' type
Origin :


Alternative names:


Withers height:

Male: ideally 50 to 53 cm.
Bitch: ideally 48 to 50 cm. 2 cm deviation upwards or downwards is tolerated


Male: 22 to 27 kg,
bitch 18 to 23 kg.

List of domestic dogs

The Stabyhoun , also known as Stabij for short , is a Dutch breed of dog recognized by the FCI ( FCI Group 7, Section 1.2, Standard No. 222 ).

Origin and history

The Stabÿhoun or, according to another spelling, Stabijhoun (ÿ identical to “ij” is spoken roughly like the German “ei”) is a “commonplace dog” from Friesland in the Netherlands. The name could have been derived from “Sta mij bij”, meaning “stand by me” or “help me”; "Houn" is Frisian (an official language in the Netherlands) and means " dog ". Develops the dog probably has several types and local proposals long ago, without being found in the literature or historical paintings rainfall. He was the very common village dog of the farmers. Around 1940 the Wetterhoun started to be crossed in order to get a somewhat larger working dog.


The Stabyhoun is similar to the Kleiner Münsterländer . It grows up to 53 cm and weighs 27 kg. His hair is not too long, wavy. The Stabijhoun is a piebald dog in black or brown with white markings, but black or brown moldy is also accepted. The ears hang, are small and not close to the body.


He is a headstrong but friendly farm dog , without always being loyal to the farm , and likes to hunt rabbits and mice independently in the meadows and fields. One of the characteristics of the ideal Stabyhoun is also vigilance, whereby as a domestic dog he should be affectionate, peaceful and amiable. The Stabyhoun is friendly, but not immediately everyone's friend.


It is suitable for all tasks on a farm, as a hunting dog also in the water, it retrieves and searches excellently. With sufficient employment it is suitable as a family dog.

Individual evidence

  1. a b Breed description by the breed association
  2. ↑ Breed standard No. 222 of the FCI: Stabyhoun  (PDF)

Web links

Commons : Stabyhoun  - collection of images, videos and audio files