City drainage Dresden

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Stadtentwässerung Dresden GmbH

legal form GmbH
founding November 3, 2003
Seat Dresden , Germany
  • Ralf Strothteicher, Technical Director
Number of employees 376 (2011)
sales EUR 72 million (2012)

The Stadtentwässerung Dresden GmbH (SEDD) is a joint venture of the Saxon state capital Dresden (51 percent) and Gelsenwasser AG (49 percent). Stadtentwässerung Dresden GmbH is responsible for wastewater disposal in Dresden. The most important plants include the Dresden sewer system, which is 1,700 kilometers long, and the central Dresden-Kaditz sewage treatment plant (740,000 population equivalents, largest East German sewage treatment plant outside of Berlin ). The chairman of the supervisory board is Finance Mayor Hartmut Vorjohann.


The main tasks of the SEDD include:

  • the collection and discharge of the dirty water via the sewer network from households, trade and industry to the sewage treatment plant
  • Collection and treatment of the accumulating rainwater
  • the disposal of faeces from pits without drainage
  • the purification of wastewater in the sewage treatment plant
  • the return of the treated wastewater into the waters
  • the disposal and / or recycling of residues from wastewater treatment such as screenings, sand traps, sewage sludge
  • the expansion, maintenance and rehabilitation of the sewer network and the sewage treatment plants
  • the maintenance of the waters of the second order
  • monitoring of sewage treatment plants and industrial and commercial wastewater dischargers


The company employs around 400 people, including 30 trainees. Around two thirds of the workforce work in the commercial sector, one third in commercial or management.

Web links

Commons : Stadtentwässerung Dresden  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b Stadtentwässerung Dresden GmbH: Annual financial statements for the business year from January 1, 2011 to December 31, 2011
  2. ^ Election of the supervisory board of Stadtentwässerung Dresden GmbH