Locations (magazine)

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Advertising poster for the Essen monthly magazine Orte (1981)

Locations - Politics and Culture in Essen - was a left-wing city newspaper that appeared in Essen from 1981 to April 1984 .

She was a mouthpiece of the left-alternative scene in Essen and claimed to provide a counter-public to the WAZ media group, which otherwise dominates the print media in Essen : “We want to be a forum for committed Christians, socialists and communists in the SPD and DKP , for Jusos and Judos , Spontis, the Greens, the numerous local citizens' initiatives ”. After the relocation of the publishing house Homann & Wehr, the editorial rooms were located in the International Center at Eltingstrasse 2 along with other projects from the alternative scene in Essen, among others. a. the Third World store , the Bundschuh bookstore and the office of the later founded Green Alternative List Essen.

Locations adopted tried and tested journalistic concepts from other established city newspapers (“ Stattzeitungen ” - the best-known probably the Frankfurt “ Pflasterstrand ”). Characteristic are the reports on left-alternative projects, citizens' initiatives, especially in the environmental sector ("Panzerbauwald Borbeck", "Pseudo-Krupp", "Heisinger Aue"), the anti-nuclear, homosexual, women's and peace movements ( Neue social movements ). In addition, the newspaper tried to take on an integrating role in the left-wing political spectrum, which was characterized by many contradictions, in particular between the traditionally strong groups around the DKP in Essen, which were politically anchored in the north of Essen and at the Essen comprehensive university, and the emerging green -Alternatives, but also, on the one hand, into the autonomous and K groups - and, on the other, into the social-democratic and trade union spectrum that politically dominates the Ruhr area. In addition, there was the requirement to combine politics and culture with the aim of promoting alternative and countercultures. Part of all editions was an event calendar as well as a classifieds and address section.


Locations magazine was founded by Ulrich Homann, Wilfried Bienek, Reinhard Laska, Walter Wandtke, Norbert Wehr , Kristiane Kremmer and others. It was first published by the Homann & Wehr publishing house in Essen-Altendorf, where from 1979 to August 1982, among other things, the literary journal Schreibheft with issues 10 to 19 was published. In August 1982 Norbert Wehr separated and founded the Rigodon publishing house, which still appears today. In the winter of 1982 a group of founding editors around Ludger Claßen, Bernd Zahner, Reinhard Laska and Walter Wandtke left the editorial team and founded another city newspaper, "Lauffeuer", with the subtitle "Neues Stadtmagazin für Essen", from which the Klartext Verlag was finally created in 1983 . Locations was published by the “Verein für Medienvielfalt” until the summer of 1983, when the last remaining founders Ulrich Homann and Kristiane Kremmer left the editorial team. Between 1983 and 1984 it was published by Ulrich Sattler. A special edition on environmental issues (“The sick children of Borbeck”) was published in 1983 in cooperation with the Humanist Union, edited by Ulrich Sattler, Heinrich Hellwig, Werner Schlegel and Frank Dittmann. Locations were finally given up in 1984 due to financing problems.


  • Locations, politics and culture in Essen, No. 1, 1st year April 1981f, Verlag Homann & Wehr, Essen
  • Borbeck Locations, special edition of the locations in cooperation with the Humanist Union , July 1983, publisher Locations u. a.
  • Locations, politics and culture in Essen, No. 4, 4th year, April 1984, Ulrich Sattler publishing house

See also