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Staog (also known as Linux / Staog ) was the first computer virus written for the Linux operating system . It was discovered in the fall of 1996. Staog used three known security holes , these were closed a short time later, since then the virus has not been found in the wild (" in-the-wild ").

Staog infected Linux systems by exploiting vulnerabilities in the Linux kernel . In a Linux system, a user's access to certain areas ( files , directories , peripheral devices) of the system is restricted and only the administrative user root has unlimited rights (e.g. to delete or change system files ). The virus was able to obtain these rights by exploiting the security holes, which is why the virus was able to establish itself as "resident" in the system and then infect other executable files ( programs , scripts ).

However, since the distribution on fundamental Error built that through software updates have been resolved, most Linux systems are now immune to Staog. This ensured that it died out pretty soon.

Staog was written in assembly language by the Australian cracker group VLAD .


See also