Peter Hemmel from Andlau

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Peter Hemmel von Andlau (* around 1420 in Andlau ; † 1506 in Strasbourg ) was a late Gothic glass painter . With him, glass painting reached an artistic and technical climax.

Resurrection Detail from the “Council Window”, 1480, in Ulm Minster
Detail from the Kramer window "The Visitation" , 1480, Ulm Minster

Traces of life

The master, who lived in Strasbourg in Alsace , can be traced back to between 1447 and 1501 and, with his workshop - at times also in cooperation with other Strasbourg glass painters - carried out mainly church commissions throughout Central Europe. None of his works have survived in his place of birth. Hemmel became a citizen, house owner and councilor in Strasbourg.

Working method

Partly based on already existing graphic templates that are related to Rogier van der Weyden and Martin Schongauer , half-cut two-tone glass (partly also hatched) and burnt-in black solder, silver yellow (produced by silver salts) and iron red create fascinating brocades as well as robes and Faces designed in perfect painterly quality. For him, the love for detail is also characteristic, for example in the depiction of animals and plants (see detail from the Kramer window “ The Visitation ” in Ulm Minster). His colors - especially bright red and blue tones - create a "radiant festivity" according to John, but are at the same time still "realistic".



  • Lee, Seddon, Stephens: The world of glass windows , Orbis Verlag, Munich 1992, pages 114 and 115
  • ADAC travel guide: Alsace from 2005


Web links

Commons : Peter Hemmel von Andlau  - Collection of images, videos and audio files