Starting value

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In mathematics as well as in computer science in numerical and iterative processes ( algorithms ), a start value is a certain value of a variable with which a calculation is started. Similarly, in programming it is the parameter that is transferred to a routine (input value) .

It is generally customary to designate the start value by indexing the variable name with "0" (further values ​​in iterative methods with 1, 2, 3, ... , generally with "n" too natural number , otherwise also with the Name of the free, running variable ). But there are also other notations.


  • the Newton's method for finding a zero , start value is a certain amount of estimated x coordinate that could fit about the procedure converges under certain conditions to the root. In general, the better the starting value, the faster and safer the convergence; a corresponding program line could read after a number for has been determined beforehand , which can be transferred to the function (for a certain function) as a parameter.nullstelle=newton(schaetzwert)schaetzwertnewton
  • the definition of the Fibonacci sequence . As a special feature, it requires two starting values, and with it results in the basic form 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8,… .
  • uniform straight-line movement , is the starting point at a certain point in time , otherwise a function of time is noted as a function value of the free variable but usually in brackets, in practice it is also written; here the start value is a vector (in a value triple).
  • Seed key , starting value of a numerical random number generator (English seed , seed, this expression is to be found more widely in information technology in this sense of an initialization).