Statsvetenskaplig Tidskrift

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The Statsvetenskaplig Tidskrift ( Swedish ; Political Science Journal ) is Sweden's leading political science journal . It was founded in 1897 by the politician and professor of political science at the University of Lund Pontus Fahlbeck .

At the beginning Fahlbeck edited the magazine together with other scientists, but from 1899 to 1918 he was the sole editor . 1918 founded Fahlbeck in Lund the Fahlbecksche Foundation , which since then acts as publisher. The journal is financially supported by the Science Council ( Vetenskapsrådet ) of the Swedish government.

The Statsvetenskaplig Tidskrift is published quarterly. The editorial team is made up of political scientists from all over Sweden.

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Individual evidence

  1. Fahlbeck, Pontus . In: Herman Hofberg, Frithiof Heurlin, Viktor Millqvist, Olof Rubenson (eds.): Svenskt biografiskt handlexikon . 2nd Edition. tape 1 : A-K . Albert Bonniers Verlag, Stockholm 1906, p. 319 (Swedish, ).
  2. Fahlbeckska släktarkivet