Stefan Sehl

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Stefan Sehl (born August 20, 1927 in Slatinik , Croatia ; † December 7, 2011 in Wannweil ) was a German expellee functionary.


Sehl came to Württemberg in 1949 . From 1950 to 1960 he was a teacher in Unterhausen, from 1960 to 1984 a teacher at the Hoffmann School in Betzingen .

In addition to his professional activity, he was involved as the state chairman of the Danube Swabians . He founded the Danube Swabian construction company in Betzingen, which offered the opportunity to purchase apartments or houses. From 1987 to 1992 he was also the managing director of the Danube Swabian House in Sindelfingen .


  • Cross of Merit on Ribbon of the Federal Republic of Germany
  • Cross of Merit 1st Class of the Federal Republic of Germany


  • Hildegard Gutekunst: Celebration in honor of Stefan Sehl's 70th birthday on October 30th , 1997 , In: Das Donautal-Magazin. - 21. 1997, 95. - pp. 45-46
  • Georg Morgenthaler: Stefan Sehl, the state chairman of the Danube Swabian ethnic group in Baden-Württemberg eV celebrated his 80th birthday , In: The Donautal magazine. - [30 /] 31. 2007, 146. - p. 25
  • Georg Morgenthaler: Stefan Sehl, a highly honored Danube Swabian: he was awarded the Federal Cross of Merit on ribbon and the Federal Cross of Merit 1st Class of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany , In: Das Donautal-Magazin. - 35. 2011, 166. - p. 24
  • Georg Morgenthaler: Stefan Sehl: Obituary , In: The Donautal magazine. - 36. 2011, 170. - p. 20

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