Stefan way

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Stefan Weise (* 1983 in Magdeburg ) is a German classical philologist.


After graduating from the Norbertusgymnasium in Magdeburg, Weise studied Latin and Greek philology (and meanwhile also classical archeology ) from 2003 onwards for teaching and master's degree at the Martin Luther University in Halle-Wittenberg . After completing his master's degree (2008) and the first state examination (2009), he was a research assistant at the Chair of Greek Philology ( Michael Hillgruber ) at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg from 2009 to 2013 . In 2013 he received his doctorate with the thesis “The Greek Poems of Claudians” (Presentation: Michael Hillgruber, Correction: Siegmar Döpp). From 2013 to 2015 he completed his preparatory service at the Braunschweig study seminar ( Wilhelm-Gymnasium training school in Braunschweig ), and in 2014 he passed the state examination.

Weise has been junior professor for Classical Philology / Greek at the Bergische Universität Wuppertal (BUW) since 2015 .

His main research interests are Greek epigrammatics and epics from Hellenism to late antiquity , the ancient reception of Homer, ancient Greek literature of the modern age (humanist Greek) and neo-Latin literature.


Monographs / editorial work

  • Claudian's Greek poems (2 parts), Halle, Univ., Phil. Faculty I, Diss. 2013.
  • (Ed. Together with M. Hillgruber and R. Lenk) HYPOTHESEIS. Festschrift for Wolfgang Luppe on the occasion of his 80th birthday, Berlin / Boston 2011 (= Archive for Papyrus Research 57/2).
  • (Ed.) Hellenisti! - Ancient Greek as a literary language in modern Europe, Stuttgart 2017 (= Palingenesia; 107).
  • The Arion of Lorenz Rhodoman. An ancient Greek epyllion of the Renaissance. Introduction, text, translation, word index. Stuttgart 2019 (= Palingenesia; 117).

Articles / book contributions

  • Graeca recentiora - Jan Křesadlos Homeric ode to Stalin, in: T. Brüggemann / B. Meissner / C. Mileta / A. Pabst / O. Schmitt (eds.), Studia Hellenistica et Historiographica. Festschrift for Andreas Mehl, Gutenberg 2010, 437–451.
  • Lydia, dormis? - Horace in Hermann Wellers “Y”, in: Gymnasium 118, 2011, 157–177.
  • Μοῦσα Ἁλληνική - Greek poems by Halle scholars, in: Hillgruber / Lenk / Weise 2011, 399–429, Taf. XXIII + XXIV.
  • Ἑλληνίδ 'αἶαν εἰσιδεῖν ἱμείρομαι - Modern Greek Literature in Germany (attempt of an overview), in: Antike & Abendland 62, 2016, 114–181.
  • Poetry and tea drinking. On the anacreontic Greek tea poem De Thea herba by Johann Gottfried Herrichen (1629–1705), in: Weise 2017, 149–201.
  • Graecia transvolavit Alpes - The Evaluation of Humanistic Greek Writing in Germany by Georg Lizel (1694–1761), in: N. Constantinidou / H. Lamers (eds.), Receptions of Hellenism in Early Modern Europe - Transmission, Representation, and Exchange ( Publication planned for 2018).


  • (annotated translation) [Philipp Melanchton:] Speech on the legal scholars Irnerius and Bartolus (De Irnerio et Bartolo iurisconsultis oratio), in: M. Beyer / A. Kohnle / V. Leppin (eds.), Melanchthon German. Vol. 4: Melanchthon, the university and its faculties, Leipzig 2012, 291–302.
  • (annotated translation) [Philipp Melanchthon:] Speech exercise on the dignity of laws (Declamatio de dignitate legum), in: ibid. 303-314.


  • Enno Bünz / Franz Fuchs (eds.), The Humanism at the University of Leipzig (= Pirckheimer Jahrbuch für Renaissance- und Humanismusforschung; 23), Wiesbaden 2008, in: Mittellateinisches Jahrbuch 46/3, 2011, 465–468.
  • Animals as friends in the Middle Ages. An anthology. Introduced, selected, translated and commented by Gabriela Kompatscher together with Albrecht Classen and Peter Dinzelbacher. Badenweiler 2010, in: Mittellateinisches Jahrbuch 46/3, 2011, 468f.
  • Achim Thomas Hack, Abul Abaz. On the biography of an elephant (= Jena mediaeval lectures; 1), Badenweiler 2011, in: Mittellateinisches Jahrbuch 50/2 (2015), 498–502.

Scientific magazine show in the Forum Classicum

  • FC 2016/2, 104-106.
  • FC 2016/3, 165-168.
  • FC 2016/4, 236-238.
  • FC 2017/1, 31-34.
  • FC 2017/2, 108-112.
  • FC 2017/3, 160-163.
  • FC 2017/4, 243-246.
  • FC 2018/1, 40–43.f)

Web links