Stefano Della Vigna

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Stefano Della Vigna (born June 19, 1973 in Como ) is an Italian economist. His research interests are behavioral economics , media economics and political economy .


Della Vigna studied economics at Bocconi and graduated with honors in 1997. He then did a Masters at Harvard University in 2000 and his Ph.D. in economics.

He has been teaching at the University of California, Berkeley since 2002 , initially as Assistant Professor , from 2008 as Associate Professor and since 2012 as Full Professor.

Prizes and awards (selection)

  • 2017 AEJ-Applied Best Paper Prize
  • Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellow, 2008–2010.
  • UC Berkeley Award for Excellent Teaching, campus-wide, 2008.
  • Award for Excellent Teaching Social Sciences, UC Berkeley, 2007.
  • Eliot Fellowship for Dissertation Completion - Harvard University, 2001.
  • GIC Award for Excellence in Teaching of a Graduate Course - Harvard University, 2000.
  • Banca d'Italia Stringher Fellowship, 1999, 2000.

Web links

Individual evidence

  2. ^ Sergio Nava: Il professore comasco che dà lezione agli Usa. In: March 28, 2009, accessed August 7, 2020 (Italian).