Stone box from Rebildhede

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The Rebildhede Steinkiste ( Danish Rebildhede Hellekiste ; also called Tøttruphus skovpart / afd. 77 or Skørping SB 174) is located east of Rebild , west of Skørping in the Nordjylland region in Denmark .

In a round hill 1.2 m high and about 15.0 m in diameter lies a large stone box ( Storstenskisten in Danish ) in an oval pit that was partially excavated in 1929 . The chamber measures around 5.5 mx 2.5 m and consists of five orthostats on each long side and two (in the north) or three (in the south) on the narrow sides.

It was covered with three capstones. The middle stone is in situ . An antechamber (or corridor) in the south consists of two orthostats and a small capstone. The chamber is still partially embedded in the remains of its hill.

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Coordinates: 56 ° 49 ′ 55.5 ″  N , 9 ° 51 ′ 40.1 ″  E