Stone boxes from Kilbride

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The Kilbride Stone Chests are north of Kilmartin in Scotland . Several stone boxes have been found in a gravel pit 700 m southeast of Kilbride .

The “List of Old Monuments and Historic Buildings” in the county of Argyll from 1915 registers the discovery of several unspecified graves with burnt clay pots, while sand was being dug up for the construction of “Arduaine house”. The containers have been lost.

In 1955 a fragmentary stone box about one meter long and 0.5 m wide was discovered. Two plates (possibly a side plate and a capstone) and pieces of a human thighbone were found in the material under the stone box. Traces of two other stone boxes were reported at this time. One of these north-south facing stone boxes was excavated in 1957. It measured 1.06 by 0.6 m, was 0.58 m deep, and contained a fragmentary burial.

The discovery of a long but completely empty stone box 1.7 by 0.9 m and 0.9 m deep was reported in 1971. A badly damaged stone box was discovered during 1982. It was about 0.8 m long, 0.5 m wide and 0.45 m deep. It contained the cremation of an adult woman, accompanied by a flint knife . A side plate, probably made of local rock (Craignish phyllites), was decorated with triangular motifs (probably three axes ). The flint knife and engraved stone are kept at the Craigdhu Farmhouse.

See also


  • Kilmartin. Prehistoric and Early Historic Monuments. The Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland (RCAHMS), Edinburgh 2008, ISBN 978-1-902419-03-9 , p. 24, (First published in: The Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland ( RCAHMS): Mid Argyll Cowal. Prehistoric Early Historic Monuments (= Argyll. Vol. 6 = Report. An Inventory of the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland. 24). HMSO, London et al. 1988, ISBN 0-11-493384-7 ) .
  • Marion Campbell, Mary LS Sandeman: Mid Argyll: a field survey of the historic and prehistoric monuments. In: Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Vol. 95, 1961/1962, ISSN  0081-1564 , pp. 1–125, ( digital version (PDF; 5.95 MB) ).


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Coordinates: 56 ° 12 '47.9 "  N , 5 ° 29' 13.8"  W.