Styrian cultural initiative

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The Steirische Kulturinitiative is an organizer and producer in the fields of literature, media art , dance , theater and visual arts . It was founded in 1977 with the aim of promoting and revitalizing the Styrian art scene. Herbert Nichols-Schweiger has been the head of the project since 1994. In 2000, the former Graz City Councilor for Culture, Karl-Heinz Herper, took over the chairmanship of the association. One of the self-imposed goals of the Styrian Cultural Initiative is to create a growing understanding between art processes and the many parallel, increasingly stressed societies.


One focus of the dance division is Butoh , a dance form from Japan . Participating choreographers included Yumiko Yoshioka, Ko Murobushi, Moe Ymamoto, Kei Shirasaka, Jean Daniel Fricker or Shinichi Momo Koga, as well as the director and set designer Joachim Manger or the lighting designer Takashi Miyamukai. Musical accompanists included Zam Johnson, Myra Melford and Bernhard Weiss.

Visual arts

For various reasons (modest training opportunities in Styria, economically poorly developed galleries, “reluctance” of the large interest groups), visual artists have only limited opportunities to make a living from their art.

The Steirische Kulturinitiative has been running the Studio KI in the former Palais Dietrichstein since 1999 as a place for cultural project work for the off-scene in Graz-Mitte.

Publications / projects (selection)

  • Does culture create new work? Text contributions by u. a. Literas Verlag, Vienna 2000. ISBN 3-85429-300-3
  • Irmgard Schaumberger and Heinz Etzel: Synchron . Ed. Steirische Kulturinitiative. Graz 2001.
  • Butoh - Clarifying Rebellion. Dance laboratory Graz. Edited by Herbert Nichols-Schweiger. Böhlau Verlag, Vienna 2003. ISBN 3-205-77161-3
  • Bruno Wildbach: Humansize . Text contribution by Werner Fenz and a conversation with Frauke Franckenstein. Ed. Steirische Kulturinitiative. Graz 2004
  • WW Anger: Subsystems . The workbook. Provincial Library Publishing House, Weitra 2005.
  • Fritz Ganser: Speech Images . Ed. Steirische Kulturinitiative. Leykam Verlag, Graz 2008. ISBN 978-3-7011-7645-8
  • Schmalz-Stuhlman: Traces of Action, Layered Presences . Ed. Steirische Kulturinitiative, Konstanz and Graz 2008.
  • Friedrich Knilli: The radio play in the minds of the listener . Introspection. Peter Lang Verlag, Frankfurt am Main 2009. ISBN 978-3-631-56127-0
  • The scene and its initiatives. Handbook of the free scenes in Styria. Edited by Herbert Nichols-Schweiger. Leykam Verlag, Graz 2010. ISBN 978-3-7011-7729-5
  • Arnold Reinisch: Resurr € © tion . Ed .: Herbert Nichols-Schweiger and Arnold Reinisch. Verlag Bibliothek der Provinz, Weitra 2011. ISBN 978-3-902416-62-9
  • Heinz Hartwig . Director for theater and radio play, promoter and designer of cultural change. Ed .: Werner Fenz u. a. Leykam Verlag, Graz 2012. ISBN 978-3-7011-7810-0
  • Liberation in Progress. A project by Josef Schützenhöfer and Klaus Zeyringer. Edited by Herbert Nichols-Schweiger and Simon Brugner. Leykam Verlag, Graz 2012. ISBN 978-3-7011-7838-4
  • Alfred Resch, Light & Sound - Objects & Installations . Articles by Martin Behr u. a. Ed. Steirische Kulturinitiative, Edition Keiper, Graz 2013. ISBN 978-3-902901-41-5
  • Sarah Bildstein , connected component, curator: Sofie Mathoi. Ed. Steirische Kulturinitiative, Graz 2014. ISBN 978-3-200-03808-0 .
  • Kurt Stadler , hodgepodge. A spatial composition. Articles by Günter Mayer u. a. Ed. Steirische Kulturinitiative, Verlag Bibliothek der Provinz, Weitra 2014. ISBN 978-3-99028-427-8
  • Sigi Faschingbauer , Ink in the rain. An artistic foray through southwest Styria with Birgit Pölzl u. a. Ed. Steirische Kulturinitiative, Edition Keiper, Graz 2015. ISBN 978-3-902901-83-5 .
  • Resanita ., Wilde Frau, Anita Fuchs & Resa Pernthaller, texts by Lucas Gehrmann a. a. Ed. Steirische Kulturinitiative, Verlag Bibliothek der Provinz, Weitra 2016. ISBN 978-3-99028-553-4 .
  • There is the way. Richard Kratochwill - artist and cultural worker, essays by Richard Kriesche a. a. Ed. Steirische Kulturinitiative, Forum Stadtpark Verlag 2016. ISBN 978-3-901109-47-8
  • Are You Still Alive? Voices of Conscience at a Time of Silencing, with works by Didem Erk u. a. March 2017.
  • Butoh - bodies in motion. Metamorphoses of the soul . DVD + Book, texts by Herbert Nichols-Schweiger a. a. Ed. Steirische Kulturinitiative, June 2017. ISBN 978-3-200-05153-9
  • Liberation Continued . Founded by Josef Schützenhöfer and Klaus Zeyringer, ed. Herbert Nichols-Schweiger u. Simon Brugner. 2nd greatly expanded edition. Leykam Buchverlag 2017, ISBN 978-3-7011-8048-6
  • Strange ALLiBERT , Markus Wilfling, image lexicon of an individual phenomenon. With texts by Thomas Miessgang u. a. Ed. Steirische Kulturinitiative, 2018. ISBN 978-3-200-05633-6
  • and / or / is - and / or / is. Irmgard Schaumberger, a book by Evelyn Kraus u. a. With a contribution from Werner Fenz a. a. Ed. Steirische Kulturinitiative 2018, Verlag Bibliothek der Provinz, Weitra. ISBN 978-3-99028-793-4
  • Colombia Paper. Auf-drawings from a distant land, Franz Konrad, ed. Styrian cultural initiative 2019.
  • Lisa D., Klääsch. Clashes with art, fashion and other disciplines 1984-1994 (2010). Ed. Styrian cultural initiative in connection with Brigitte Bidovec 2019. ISBN 978-3-87512-488-0

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