Storm pond

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Storm pond
Schleswig-Holstein, Itzehoe, Stormsteich landscape protection area NIK 7498.JPG
Stormsteich seen from the east bank
Geographical location Steinburg district , Schleswig-Holstein , Germany
Drain over the Rantzau to the Stör
Places on the shore Itzehoe
Coordinates 53 ° 57 '11 "  N , 9 ° 31' 31"  E Coordinates: 53 ° 57 '11 "  N , 9 ° 31' 31"  E
Stormsteich (Schleswig-Holstein)
Storm pond
surface 2.2 hadep1
Template: Infobox See / Maintenance / EVIDENCE AREA

The Stormsteich is a pond in the north of Itzehoe .

The water has belonged to Itzehoe Monastery since the Middle Ages . It has been leased by the city of Itzehoe since the mid-1990s and has been developed into a biotope. This is under protection and, as a secondary axis, belongs to the main axis "Rantzau valley area" of the Schleswig-Holstein protected area and biotope network.

"Stormsteich and surroundings" is part of the landscape protection area "Landscape components and landscape parts in the area of ​​several municipalities" in the Steinburg district.

Individual evidence

  1. Waters of Itzehoe and the surrounding area, Section 3.6 (PDF)
  2. State Office for Nature and the Environment of the State of Schleswig-Holstein: Protected area and biotope network system Schleswig-Holstein, sub-area Steinburg district (PDF)
  3. location

Web links

Commons : Landscape protection area "Stormsteich und Umgebung"  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files