Straton II (Sidon)

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Straton II. ( Greek Στράτων; † after 332 BC) is the Greek name of the Phoenician city king Abdastart of Sidon at the end of the 4th century BC. He was a son of King Tennes (Tabnit) , who after a failed revolt against the Persian suzerainty around 345 BC. Was executed.

Straton officiated as a vassal of the Persian empire of the Achaemenids , probably under the supervision of the Syrian satrap Mazaios . Because of that, he was not popular with his own population, especially since he showed his loyalty to Great King Darius III. even after his defeat in the battle of Issus in 333 BC Chr. Continued upright. Straton was therefore deposed by the victor, Alexander the Great , after his arrival in Phenicia and replaced by Abdalonymos . His further fate remains unknown.


predecessor Office successor
Tennes King of Sidon
345 BC Chr. - 332 BC Chr.