Structuralist Marxism

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Structuralist Marxism is a variant of neo-Marxism developed in the 1960s , which, primarily through the philosophical works of Louis Althusser and Étienne Balibars , the state-theoretical works of Nicos Poulantzas , and the economic anthropological works of Maurice Godelier in France, has a similar significance as the works of the Frankfurt School in Germany won. Structuralist Marxism is a foreign term that was rejected by Althusser himself.

In Claude Lévi-Strauss ' ethnological work, classical Marxism is intertwined with general structuralism . Althusser's student Maurice Godelier similarly combined historical materialism with a structuralist approach.

Against the humanistic Marxism of Marx's early writings, Althusser claims a scientific Marxism that examines objective structures.


The English historian EP Thompson made a vehement inner-Marxist criticism of Althusser's structuralism and devaluation of history with the verdict that Althusser's theory was a "theoretically defined Stalinism" and the "ideology of an elite".


  • Article structuralism . In: Critical Dictionary of Marxism , ed. by Georges Labica / Gérard Bensussan, Volume 7. Argument, Hamburg 2000, pp. 1268–1275.
  • Article Structuralism . In: A Dictionary of Marxist Thought , ed. By Tom Bottomore, Blackwell, Oxford 1983, pp. 471f.
  • Louis Althusser: Pour Marx . 1965 German: For Marx . Suhrkamp, ​​Frankfurt am Main 1968; New edition 2011.
  • Louis Althusser / Etienne Balibar: Lire le Capital . 2 volumes, Maspero, Paris 1975, ISBN 2-7071-0230-X . German: Read the capital . Rowohlt, Reinbek near Hamburg 1972; complete new edition Westphalian steam boat, Münster 2015.
  • Louis Althusser: Ideology and Ideological State Apparatus , 1970.

Individual evidence

  1. Althusser: preface to the Italian edition of principal read (Engl.)
  2. Marcus Dick: World, Structure, Thinking. Philosophical research on Claude Lévi-Strauss . Königshausen and Neumann, Würzburg 2008, p. 170f.
  3. EP Thompson: The misery of theory. For the production of historical experience. Campus, Frankfurt am Main 1980, pp. 245ff.