School level representatives

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A school level representative or level spokesperson is the democratically elected representative of a grade at a school .

Whether or not senior representatives are elected at a school differs and depends on the type of school , the school regulations and the laws of the federal state .

Most of the candidates for the post of level spokesperson already have years of experience as a student in a managerial position, for example as a class representative. In this role, the level spokesperson must be a role model and ensure that all students are treated in an orderly and respectful manner within his level.

His function mostly corresponds to that of a class representative . His tasks include, among other things, representing the interests of the grade towards the teachers , organizing cross-class activities and being a member of the student council . This also includes promoting camaraderie within the level, for example through events that do not take place in the school. Furthermore, conflict resolution is part of the level spokesperson's area of ​​responsibility and also the discussion with teachers should these endanger the interests of the year level.