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Suatobor , also Suantibor , Svantibor or Swantibor , was a duke of the Pomerania at the beginning of the 12th century.

A reliable contemporary tradition on Suatobor comes from the chronicle of the Benedictine monk Gallus Anonymus († after 1116). This reports that a Suatobor, a relative of the Polish Duke Boleslaw III. Wrymouth , overthrown and imprisoned in Pomerania, but then (around 1106/1107) to Duke Boleslaw III. was delivered. Presumably this Suatobor is the same Duke, of whom the chronicle previously reported that he was killed in an attack by Duke Boleslaw III in 1105. had fled to Kolberg .

The chronicle also reports that a Pomeranian duke gave himself up to the Polish duke Boleslaw III in 1107/1108 in Kolberg. has subjected. This duke may no longer have been Suatobor, possibly it was Duke Suatopolk who was first mentioned by name for 1111/1112 .

No further details are known about Duke Suatobor. In particular, it is unknown whether Duke Suatobor was one of the ancestors of the Pomeranian ducal family of the Griffin , whose first reliable representatives were the brothers Wartislaw I († before 1148) and Ratibor I († 1156). It is also possible that he was an ancestor of the Swantiboriden line .


Older representations
Modern monographs and treatises
  • Martin Wehrmann : Genealogy of the Pomeranian ducal house. Leon Sauniers Buchhandlung Verlag, Stettin 1937, pp. 20–21.
  • Adolf Hofmeister : Genealogical investigations into the history of the Pomeranian ducal house. Greifswald Treatises on the History of the Middle Ages, Volume 11. University Publishing House Ratsbuchhandlung L. Bamberg, Greifswald 1938, pp. 7–21.
  • Roderich Schmidt : The beginnings of Pomeranian history as reflected in written tradition . In: A thousand years of Pomeranian history . Böhlau Verlag, Cologne, Weimar Vienna 1999, ISBN 3-412-13397-3 , pp. 1-17. Reprinted in: Roderich Schmidt: The historic Pomerania . Böhlau Verlag, Cologne Weimar Vienna 2007, ISBN 978-3-412-27805-2 , pp. 49-61.


  1. The historian Christian Friedrich Wutstrack used this form of name in: Addendum to the short historical-geographical-static description of the royal Prussian duchy of Vorpommern and Hinterpommern . Stettin 1795, p. 7 ff. ( E-copy, without reproduction of folded family tables )
  2. This form of name was used by the historian Albert Georg Schwartz in: An attempt at a Pommersch- and Rügianischen Lehn-Historie . Greifswald 1740, pp. 66–67.
  3. This form of name used: Martin Wehrmann in genealogy of the Pomeranian ducal house. Verlag Leon Sauniers Buchhandlung, Stettin 1937, pp. 20–21 and Rudolf Benl in: Pommern up to the division of 1368/72 . In: Werner Buchholz (ed.): German history in Eastern Europe. Pomerania . Siedler Verlag, Berlin 1999, ISBN 3-88680-272-8 , p. 38.
  4. Rudolf Benl refers to this possibility in Pomerania until the partition of 1368/72 . In: Werner Buchholz (ed.): German history in Eastern Europe. Pomerania . Siedler Verlag, Berlin 1999, ISBN 3-88680-272-8 , p. 38.