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A sub-type is a sub-unit of a specific entity . The term is mainly used in medicine and computer science .

The word is probably derived from English subtype , literally "Unterart" or "Nebenart" (from Latin sub for "under, around, against; below, at" and typus [from ancient Greek τύπος týpos ] to German "Typus, Typ" or "Type").



In medicine , subtypes are delineated (or defined ) as follows :

Computer science

In computer science is under a subtype of a type of data understood, whose values can be used anywhere, where values of some other data type, the so-called super type (from English supertype to dt. Superordinate type or upper / Überart ), are used can (see also Liskov's substitution principle and super class ). One example is a derived class in object-oriented programming - a descendant of another class , the base class , created by the programming concept of inheritance .

Single receipts

  1. subtype ( Memento from May 23, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) (English-German) - Duden , Langenscheidt ; 2015
  2. sub-, Sub- - Duden , Bibliographisches Institut ; 2016
  3. ^ Typus - Duden , Bibliographisches Institut ; 2016
  4. Type - Duden , Bibliographisches Institut ; 2016