Sumardagurinn fyrsti

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The Sumardagurinn fyrsti ( Isl. The first day of summer) is a public holiday in Iceland .

It always falls on the first Thursday after April 18th . This is the first day of the month of Harpa in the Old Icelandic calendar , when the year was only divided into summer and winter. With Law No. 88 of December 24, 1971, the Sumardagurinn fyrsti became a statutory, non-working holiday. One wishes for “a nice summer and thanks for the winter!” ( Gleðilegt sumar og takk fyrir veturinn! ) According to popular belief, there is a good summer when winter and summer freeze together, i.e. when there is frost on the first day of summer. (Isl .: Ef sumar og vetur frjósi saman boði það god sumar. ) There is also a first winter day ( Fyrsti vetrardagur ), but it is not a public holiday.

In the Faroe Islands , the Sumardagurinn fyrsti is on the calendar on May 25th.

Sumardagurinn fyrsti in the next few years

  • 2021 - April 22nd
  • 2022 - April 21
  • 2023 - April 20th