Susan Shabangu

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Susan Shabangu (2012)

Susan Shabangu (born February 28, 1956 ) is a South African politician of the African National Congress (ANC) who was Minister of Mines from 2009 to 2014 and Minister for Women in the President's Office from 2014 to 2018. From 2018 to 2019 she was Minister for Social Development.


Susan Shabangu attended Madibane High School in Soweto , which she graduated in 1977. She began her political engagement between 1980 and 1985 as Assistant Secretary of the Federation of South African Women and in 1981 joined the Anti-Republican Campaign Committee as a member. Furthermore, she was involved between 1982 and 1990 as a founding member of the committee for the release of Nelson Mandela . In 1984 she became the organizer of the Amalgamated Black Worker's Project and later of the trade union confederation COSATU ( Congress of South African Trade Unions ) .

In 1994 Susan Shabangu became a member of the National Assembly for the first time , in which she has since represented the constituency of Nokeng tsa Taemane . At the beginning of her membership in parliament, she was a member of the committees for labor, transport, and trade and industry. In July 1996 she took over her first government post, namely as Deputy Minister for Minerals and Energy and thus as a representative of Penuell Maduna . She held this office in the Mandela cabinet and in the first Mbeki cabinet . She then served from April 2004 to 2009 in the second Mbeki cabinet and in the Motlanthe cabinet, vice minister for security, and was a director of the organizing committee for the 2010 World Cup .

10 May 2009 appointed President Jacob Zuma Susan Shabangu in his first cabinet to Mining Minister (Minister of Mining) . In the second Zuma cabinet that followed , she assumed the post of Minister of Women in the Presidency on May 25, 2014 . In 2018 she became Minister of Social Development in the Ramaphosa I cabinet . It was not taken into account when the successor cabinet was formed in 2019.

She is also a member of the National Executive Board of the ANC and is also the Vice President of the National Labor and Development Institute .

Web links

  • Entry on People's Assembly (English)
  • Entry in Who's Who Southern Africa (English; archive version from 2018)
  • Entry in the Worldwide Guide to Women in Leadership (English)