Suyolcuzade Mustafa Eyyubi

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Calligraphy by Suyolcuzade Mustafa Eyyubi. Headline in Sülüs and two lines in Naschī script , Istanbul, 17th century.

Suyolcuzâde Mustafa Eyyubi ( Ottoman صویولجی زاده مصطفى İA Ṣuyolcı-zāde Muṣṭafā ; * around 1619 in Istanbul ; † 1686 ) was an Ottoman calligrapher . His Nisba Eyyûbî can be traced back to the district of Eyüp , where he was born. He received the Laqab Suyolcuzâde ("son of Suyolcu") because Suyolcu (about " Röhrmeister ") Ömer Agha was his father.


He learned the art from a calligrapher called “Dede” and after his death from Derviş Ali . His most famous students were Câbîzâde Abdullah, Hâfız Osman and Hocazâde (Karakız) Mehmed Enverî.

Of the approximately 50 Koranic and 100 life depictions of the Prophet ( An'am-i Sharif ) written by him, only a few have survived .

His grandson Suyolcuzâde Mehmed Necib wrote the biographical compilation of famous calligraphers entitled Devḥatü l-küttāb .

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ M. Uğur Derman: Suyolcuzâde Mustafa Efendi. In: Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı İslâm Ansiklopedisi. Vol. 38, Istanbul 2010, p. 2 f., Here: p. 2; (PDF; 1.7 MB).
  2. M. Uğur Derman: Masterpieces of Ottoman Calligraphy from the Sakıp Sabancı Museum . Sabancı Üniversitesi, İstanbul 2004, ISBN 978-975-8362-45-5 , p. 82-83 .
  3. Celalettin Karadaş: Suyolcuzade Mustafa Eyyubi'nin Mushafı . Journal of the Institute of Fine Arts (Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü Dergisi) of Ataturk University, Erzurum 2008, p. 113-121 .
  4. ^ Ali Alparslan: Osmanlı Hat Sanatı Tarihi. 3. Edition. Yapı Kredi Yayınları, Istanbul 2007, ISBN 975-08-0180-6 , p. 49.