Swen Papenbrock

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Swen Papenbrock (* 1960 ) has been one of the draftsmen for the cover pictures of the Perry-Rhodan series since the turn of the year 1995/96 and has been designing the cover for the role play Midgard since 2005 .

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After completing elementary and secondary school, Papenbrock began training as a painter and varnishing apprentice and later further training to become a master painter and varnisher as well as training as a state-certified designer in the field of color and design and as a gilder.

Due to his drawing activities, however, he only practiced this profession very rarely. He was particularly influenced by winning a drawing competition in Atlan books 200, 202, 205 and 207. For winning the competition in booklet 202 he received 100 DM. This spurred him on to continue working in this direction. In the meantime he drew over 250 cover pictures for the Atlan and Perry-Rhodan series. He also works as an illustrator for various books on the German pen & paper role-playing game Das Schwarze Auge .

He has designed over 80 illustrations for the Perry Rhodan trading card game since 1996. These included some of the main characters from the Perry Rhodan series.

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